March 19, 2023
Australia's electoral regulator has gone against its own published rules to waive through $550,000 in secretive “donations” the billionaire Lowy family made to the Liberal Party.
February 17, 2023
The billionaire Lowy Family — who made over half a million dollars in secretive “donations” to the Liberal Party weeks before last year’s federal election — paid zero tax on over $1.5 billion of revenue.
February 13, 2023
An obscure company with no website, no telephone number — and no employees — was used by billionaire Lowy family to make $550,000 in secretive “donations” to the Liberal Party.
February 1, 2023
February 1, 2023
Four of the nation's biggest fossil fuels companies paid over 13,000 times more in “donations” to the major political parties last financial year than they paid in taxes in 2020-21.