November 12, 2023
More than one-third of investors in a mining company rejected a plan to give Warren Mundine and other directors shares worth more than $2 million — but it was approved anyway.
November 10, 2023
Anti-Indigenous Voice campaigner Warren Mundine has been given 3 million “loan funded” shares in a uranium company — with $390,000 in reported remuneration as “non-executive director” in just his first 18 months.
November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023
The entire premise of the “No” campaign against the Voice was a sham – the "grassroots" movement was bankrolled by the super-rich.
March 19, 2023
Australia's electoral regulator has gone against its own published rules to waive through $550,000 in secretive “donations” the billionaire Lowy family made to the Liberal Party.
February 17, 2023
The billionaire Lowy Family — who made over half a million dollars in secretive “donations” to the Liberal Party weeks before last year’s federal election — paid zero tax on over $1.5 billion of revenue.
February 13, 2023
An obscure company with no website, no telephone number — and no employees — was used by billionaire Lowy family to make $550,000 in secretive “donations” to the Liberal Party.